Branding – The Superpower To Boost Your Business

Branding – The Superpower To Boost Your Business

The buying decision is a complex process influenced by both tangible factors like the product and packaging. It also includes intangible factors like personal biases, peer influence and other factors which are more difficult to figure out. A major intangible factor which influences decision making is the “Brand Value “ of a product, service or even the associated organization or the person too.

As a renowned Marketing Guru has said “A Brand is a promise.” The perceived value of any buy is associated at a subconscious level with this very implied promise that a brand communicates to the buyer. It is based not only upon the look-see-feel factor, but also on the deeper psychological association of the “buy” with the customer’s expectations and hopes too. It operates more on an emotional and psychological level rather than a logical one and is much more difficult to understand and decode.

For example- A scooter company decides to appoint Mr Amitabh Bachchan as its Brand Ambassador. On a personal level, he might never use that scooter and the audience knows this fact too. Still when he speaks about the scooter, the audience will notice because he has a brand value. This is how the brand value plays a prominent role in advertising and marketing of products or services.

The best branding agency in Mumbai would be the one which would help you understand the dynamics of Branding and assist you in creating your unique brand identity. The first step would be designing a suitable tagline and logo which would create an instant association with your product and service and help in recognition.

Research has shown that customers are more inclined towards products which they can recognize and identify with. This creates a feeling of knowledge and more importantly of trust arising out of knowledge, which translates into willingness to buy and ultimately results in sales. All branding activities are aimed at this understanding and leveraging this natural process which establishes the feel good connection between knowing, identifying, differentiating and ultimately buying their own particular brand rather than others. When your target customers recognize your product and service, are able to differentiate them from the others in the market place half your battle is won. Customers tend to buy products which are well known and enjoy a good reputation in their mind either through personal experience or from second hand knowledge. This second hand knowledge is not only through their peers but can also be influenced by advertising. Hence creation of appealing audio visual content for advertisements is very important for building a brand reputation.

You also need to focus on building a positive reputation for your brand. The best branding agency in Mumbai will be of immense help in your brand building exercise. This can be done through creation of suitable communication and promotion through print, TV, radio as well as digital media. Being a slow process, this requires constant multi-pronged efforts to create positive perception among your target customers. When customers are exposed continuously to the brand’s communication, the brand identity is positively reinforced and a positive association is created at a subconscious level.

Hence whenever your category of product or service is next needed, instinctively their mind suggests your brand as the best possible option and they will opt to buy this over others. Although slow, this process is a sure fire method and there are various indices and matrices which measure consumer behaviour resulting from a particular marketing and branding effort. This will help in understanding the efficacy of your campaign and also devise any course corrections required.

Your branding efforts will help your brand establish its own unique identity in the marketplace and also create a set of loyal customers. This stands in good stead in establishing credibility and boosts business by way of sales of existing products and easy acceptance when launching new ones. Your new product launches can ride piggy back on your existing brand reputation and penetrate new markets much effortlessly than otherwise.

The relationship of trust which exists between a Company and its customer base is priceless and the most valuable source of revenue and fund flows. Investor confidence in the stocks of your Company is only an indicator of the trust and confidence that you enjoy among your customers. This confidence needs to be created, preserved and reinforced through constant marketing efforts. These days social media platforms play an important role in creating this image, comparatively in a shorter span of period.

The best branding agency in Mumbai will help you establish this connect with your customers through every medium and help you drive growth exponentially.

Thus we have identified the key steps in establishing and preserving brand identity for your brand. You can also consider a celebrity to endorse your products to strengthen this identity. However you need to make a conscious decision to associate a celebrity who would be in sync with your brand image. The association that is created will be beneficial only if the perception created is a positive one. A good Branding Agency in Mumbai would be one which would help you find the celebrity most suited for your requirements.

It will also ensure that market intelligence and feedback mechanisms are always in place to help design branding activities, measure their impact on sales and revenues to ensure justification of spend. As brand building is not a one-time but an ongoing process, the selection of branding agency in Mumbai assumes great significance.

Greysell and its digital arm Catapult Digital has more than two decades of experience in the marketing and advertising industry and are best suited for this role. We would be delighted to offer our creative and technical expertise supported by the best possible technical infrastructure too . Do connect with us on the below coordinates for your inquiries so we can take this forward. Let us boost your business through branding and zoom ahead.