NJ Mutual Fund ad with growing plants and coins, promoting factor investing. Created by Greysell.


For investor, Investing is always a journey filled with important choices. For those seeking a smarter as well as data-driven approach, they turn to Factor Investing which offers a path to improved diversification, controlled risks and probably higher returns. NJ Mutual Fund wanted to educate investors about this powerful strategy in a way that was clear, compelling, and easy to understand. Greysell took on the challenge of simplifying the technicalities of Factor Investing into a visually engaging and insightful corporate video.

Our design aesthetics, motion graphics and convincing scripting ensured that the video was informative yet engaging. With a blend of insights and an investor-friendly tone, the final outcome placed NJ Mutual Fund as an expert who is ready to guide investors towards smarter financial decisions.

Our Role

Ideation   |   Planning & Strategy   |   Scripting   |   Video Production

with our
  • Expert
  • Strategist
  • Specialist

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